Privacy issues in Facebook & such Social Networking sites ( Orkut , etc )

August 14, 2010 § Leave a comment

Facebook is one of those “killer Apps ‘ which is the stuff dreams are made of !

$ 20-25 Billion =valuation of Facebook .

Current stats for this site read like( Source Business Today Aug 22, 2010 page 26)

500 Million =number of users on Facebook ! They crossed this number circa ,end July 2010 .

12 Million is the number of Facebook users in India .Indian users upload 53 Million photos /month

2 Hours /day = time that  Indian urban youth spend on networking sites , every day . ( Source IndiaBiz news & Research Services )

17 % of all Europeans who are on Facebook

Facebook has spawned an entirely new class of PC users from the very young to the very old -the ones one did’nt think would come to a keyboard !

Now all this is great but in all this fun and oh so very easy to do stuff , lurks a great danger of what are called Privacy Issues .

I shall post some tips & tricks & warnings on how to make your Social networking presence “controlled ” & as private as you wish -if you wish

My  2 cent advice remains – “better safe than sorry “

Sharing the recent on this issue( 13 Aug 2010, Networking URL at end  ), from Computerworld – a very reputed site .


Urge you to read carefully { (Highlights /Bold are mine  Manoj}and immediately go and at least find out and change your privacy settings from the Account  tab then privacy settings  at top right- drop down menu

or ask me .

Take care

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Manoj Pant

Mumbai Sat 14 Aug, 2010

Computerworld talked with analysts to come up with five suggestions to protect you and your personal information if you’re one of the half a billion Facebook users sharing pictures, videos and updates about your latest dates or upcoming vacations.

1. Understand Facebook’s security settings and use them

Most analysts called this step absolutely mandatory. Users need to find out where the security settings are on Facebook and take the time to learn how to use them to control what information is shared with people, applications and Web sites.

Users should seriously consider sharing their information only with their online friends.

To do that, users can access their privacy settings by clicking on “Account” in the upper right-hand corner of their Facebook page, and then clicking “Privacy Settings.” People who want to set their privacy settings as tight as possible can select “Friends Only.” Also uncheck the box marked “Let friends of people tagged in my photos and posts see them,” and then click “Apply these Settings.”

2. Who’s your buddy?

Come on. This is not high school and Facebook isn’t a popularity contest. You don’t need to be “friends” with everyone.

Actually, a good reality check is if this person is actually a friend or family member in real life. If they’re not an actual friend, why would you want them to know when you’re stuck working late, getting ready to go on vacation or that you just bought a new computer or flat-screen TV?

Remember that sharing with friends only is the strictest level of security that exists on Facebook. Be sure the people you befriend are ones that you know and trust.

Corollary: Review your list of friends and delete the names that ought not to be there.

3. Beware of those applications

Using a Facebook application can give broad permission for whoever developed that application to access your data … and your friends’ data.

That means you may want to think twice before you take quizzes with titles like “Would you make a good FBI agent?” or “What’s the theme song to your high school years?”

Only use applications from sources you trust. And periodically check the list of applications you’ve used and given permissions to. You might be surprised how many you’ve approved. Much like your PC, you probably want to regularly remove any applications you don’t use and trust.

Go to the bottom of Facebook’s Privacy Settings page to find the “Applications and Websites” link. There, you can click on the “Remove unwanted or spammy applications” option.

4. Ummm, sorry Grandma! Think before you type

You have to protect yourself and think through every post that you put online. The golden rule, say several analysts, is to think about whether you want your mother, your boss (and any potential future bosses) and your significant other to read what you’re about to write. If you don’t want any of them to see it, don’t post it.

It’s a simple concept, but people still just don’t get it.

It’s so important for users to realize that when they post personal details on social networking sites, they have to assume that information could be exposed to everyone in the world with a computer and a screen.

One approach is to ask yourself if you’d wear a T-shirt with the details you’ve posted about yourself. If you would, then you’re probably OK. But if that thought makes you cringe, then you’d better re-evaluate what you’re putting on the Web.

5. Malicious eyes

Sit down and closely look at your Facebook page and consider what a malicious person could do with any of the information you’ve posted.

Try to be objective and ask yourself, ‘If I really hated this person or wanted to take advantage of her, is there anything I could do with this information to mess with her?’ If the answer is yes, then consider what kinds of information you’re posting on your Facebook page and make the appropriate adjustments.

Do not post any information that could be used in an identity theft scheme. Avoid listing your full birth date, home address, children’s names, phone numbers and social security numbers.

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